Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I know that my greetings are really late, and I have tons to blog about.  I have been really busy with work lately and with the 4th birthday of the little one coming really soon - I'm almost choking!

I had to work on the 24th so I had literally no time to help prepare the Noche Buena feast.  We mainly had take outs and cooked some of the traditional food.  We had chicken, cheesy garlic potatoes as side dish, mom baked crema de fruta and cooked baked spaghetti.  All the other food were ordered from nearby restaurants.  Thank God that the mall is open until 7 PM that day, and it's only 10 minutes away from our house -convenience at its highest!

Raven stayed awake the whole day and did not even take a nap so I had to have him open the gifts early.  Indeed it was super early - like 7 in the evening.  I did this because I know that he will be so grumpy by midnight, and I will not be able to take decent pictures of him opening the gifts.  I need good pictures since I create an online album yearly to thank those people who gave gifts and well wishes during the Christmas season.  Needless to say, the photo op was a success and he smiled all the way.  He received 21 gifts from us, relatives and friends.  He was dead tired after opening and tinkering with all the loot, he was already asleep at about 8:00 PM.  Too bad we didn't have the chance to attend the midnight mass.

Here are some of the pictures of the little one with his Christmas loot.  You might be surprised that most of the gifts were clothes.  Well, we requested for it since we are stuffed to our knees with toys.  We don't have much storage space, and we all know that closet space is easier to find since kids outgrow clothes very fast.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year

It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year.  Like many of you, Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year.  When December comes, everyone seems to be a little nicer, more generous and loving! I wish that they continue to do so even when Christmas is well over.  Anyway, I have done my share of Christmas shopping here and there.  Mostly on malls and bazaars. I love shopping at SM Malls nowadays because they have a new line of christmas gift wrappers that I adore!  I love the patterns, and most of all it's free! During weekends,you have to endure long lines on the gift wrapping section, but for me it is worth it! As you know I am a work at home mom now, and I just squeeze in a little time every weekend to do some shopping and decorating.  So far, my Christmas list is half-way done, and I have at least 2 more weekends to complete it! Here are some scenes from my shopping and decorating weekends.

 Raven helped put up the Christmas tree.  He loved the lights and the glittery decor.
 First round of Christmas shopping.  The gift wrappers from SM are adorable! I love the polka dots and stars!
Second round of Christmas shopping done the other day.  The Guess gift bag is for my little one.
 When I was out shopping, I found these ballet flats on sale.  They were 50% off so I decided to take two pairs.  They are really quite a steal, and I am addicted to flats ever since I became a mom.  Maybe I am always too tired to wear high heels! lol I took the beige one our for a spin yesterday, and it is a perfect compliment to my Fendi satchel bag in the same color family!  Plus it is 101% comfy!
Additional gifts for Raven. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

pre=birthday shoot

It's a mere 2 months before Raven's 4th birthday, and we had a pre-birthday shoot last Saturday with Click&Shoot.  This photo and video service is owned by friends, so we basically got the their service free! For this pictorial, I only paid for the studio rent, which is way too little compared to what I would've paid a photographer.  We had a 1 hour shoot, and it produced almost 50 good pictures.  I was secretly praying all the time that Raven would cooperate with the photographer, and he did! He was so fond of her Ate Jell and Kuya Teej that he followed all their instructions.  The plan was to take pictures of Raven in a race car costume, and one casual wear.  It was a success, and I would like to thank the photographer for her patience and good way with kids.  You can check some of their works on Facebook.  Just click on this link to go to the Click&Shoot page.  Sharing some of the pictures.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Back in the Workforce

I am now a certified work from home mom, and I am loving every minute of it.  I never thought that this would be possible.  This is a dream job for me! I am working, but still I can supervise my kiddo.  Thank God for a friend who referred me to their US based company.  Basically, our job is to provide support and customer service to car dealerships in the USA and Canada.  I don't know much about cars, but training really helped.  I am now on my first week of training, and I am enjoying every minute of it.  Although I am a bit stressed out when I encounter unfamiliar terms like piston rings or crankshaft.  Thank God somebody invented Google!

 Oh, and I also got my first paycheck today via PayPal.  Although it is not much since it is only payment for 2 days or 12 hours of work, it feels so damn good to have your own money again.    As you know, I have been a stay at home mom for over a year now.  It's also an exciting fact that we are paid in US dollars.  I am a PayPal newbie.  I am a blue star ebayer, but I normally do my transactions via Globe Gcash and bank deposit.  Well, something new to learn and tinker with.  I really hope I don't get too familiar with PayPal since it is so tempting to use it for online shopping!  I promised myself that I will only withdraw from my account once a month, and save up for the future.  The little one is starting real school (err meaning not play school) next school year, and it ain't gonna be cheap!

I know that working will all the more set me back with updating this blog, but I will really do my best to keep you updated.  Now that Christmas is just around the corner, I promise to share with you my good finds in the malls and bazaars.  Until next time!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Dengue scare

After the trick or treating activities this past week, I noticed last November 1 that my son is feeling a little bit under the weather.  Early morning of November 2, I checked his temperature and it read 39 degrees! I was alarmed.  I am not the type of mom that can keep her calm during stressful situations.  A lot of things came to my mind.  I was so scared it was dengue fever.  Can it be that he was bitten during one of the events that we attended? First thing in the morning, we went to his pediatrician.  Urine and blood tests were done in order to rile out dengue fever or typhoid.  Thank God his platelet count was normal.  The culprit was Urinary Tract Infection.  He had this when he was 3 months old, and this is the second time he got this.  Salty foods are now banned on his diet, and replaced with lots and lots of water.  I had a little trouble giving him antibiotics.  He was never a sickly kid, so he is not used to drinking meds except for his regular vitamins.  My heart is crying whenever I see him gag the medicine because of its bitter taste.  However, I need to put my game face on and force him to drink.  All the while explaining to him that it would make him feel better.  To make it worse, he also had an asthma attack that night.  My son was diagnosed with bronchial asthma at 3 years old.  I am praying everyday that he will outgrow it.

I didn't have the heart to be with him during the blood extraction at the hospital.  It was done twice with a 24-hour interval since the first platelet count was 154.  The doctor requested another one done after a day just in case it goes down.  The second result was 245, which is good!

It's the most spooktacular time of the year!

Halloween is my second most favorite holiday.  Christmas season comes first of course.  I only started liking Halloween when I became a mom.  My son's first Halloween, he was only 9 months old.  He came as  McDonald's french fries.  It was a pleasurable experience, and I am sure that my son will enjoy looking at the pictures when he's all grown up! Who knows, I might even show it to his future girlfriend just to embarrass him.  Here are pictures of his past and present costumes.
 The year after, he was almost two years old, and he enjoyed the trick or treat at the mall much better.  He was walking and playing with other kids.  He came as Tigger.  This costume was sent from the US by my super kind cousin.

Come Halloween 2010, he was in the middle of his terrible two's that's why we had a bit of a hard time trick or treating.  He was really cranky and didn't want to walk or even ride the stroller.  Nevertheless, he was the cutest bee I've seen!

 This year, we attended three trick or treat events.  Last October 29, we went to Island Cove Hotel and Leisure Park for their Super Villain Halloween Party.  The kiddo had a blast trick or treating there since the grounds are really nice, plenty of fresh air, and a lot of scenery.  He didn't even mind that we had to walk quite a distance to go from one establishment to another.  Since the theme was villains, I decided that he should come as Yosemite Sam.  For those of you who don't remember him, he is the arch-enemy of Bugs Bunny. 
Next stop is the McDonald's Halloween party at Cavite City.  This costume is a special request from my kid.  He insisted that he goes as Buzz Lightyear of Toy Story.  I bought this item online since this is only available at Disney Stores. Notice that on this dressed rehearsal, he still doesn't have any shoes on.  I found the perfect shoes just in time for the event - a neon green one star Converse - sweet!

Oh before I forget, my little one won the Mr. Halloween 2011 award at school.  He went as a cowboy.  Yee-ha! Proud mama! Of course how can I resist donning a matching cowgirl outfit? Cute don't you think?

 I can't wait for next year.  The little one already has requests for his costume.  He wants a soldier costume, which came to mind when he saw Lucho Agoncillo's birthday pictures on Yes Magazine.  We'll see... 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Skip Hop Bags

Me and my son have been a fan of Skip Hop Bags since late last year.  As of now, my son has 4 designs - the monkey, bee, frog and penguin.  It is actually a really cute and functional backpack.  I think that it really lives on the image of the very popular Skip Hop diaper bags.  It really combines fun with function.  My son really loves to carry it whenever we go out.  Imagine my excitement when I browsed their website and saw that there are two new designs - the fox and the elephant.  I am pretty sure that when Raven sees this, he will be begging me to get him both.  Personally, I like the fox better.  The bright red matches the plaid ears perfectly! I will look so cute carrying it! err, I mean my son will really look cute carrying it tee-hee!  Oh by the way, you can get Skip Hop bags at Mothercare.
 Raven with his Skip Hop Backpack collection

New at the Zoo designs!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Prayer for Sick Children

We just got home from the Dr. Delfin Cua's clinic.  He is Raven's pediatrician.  He is wheezing and coughing for 3 days now, and has slight fever.  I don't usually bring my kid to the doctor for every cold or cough he catches, but my mother's instinct tells me that there is something wrong.

The diagnosis is simple, the coughing and the fever may lead to bronchitis if it was not diagnosed early enough.  I am so glad I followed my gut feeling!  He was given an antibiotic, antihistamine for the colds, steroids for the allergic rhinitis and an expectorant for the cough.  Buying all the medicine is easy, the hard part is how to convice a three year old to take all of it 3x a day! I knew it when I first glanced at the prescription that Raven and I will fight over it.  I just wish that he will understand that these awful tasting things will make him feel better.
Just like an ordinary mom, I feel helpless when my kid is sick.  I turn to God for moments like this.  Here's a little prayer for sick children.  I hope that you take time to include all the sick children in the world in your prayers.  I am sure that their moms will appreciate it.

Lord, you love our child as You love all children,
Bring healing to our child who is not well.
Stay by his side and comfort him through this trying time.
Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence
Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also.
Thank You for hearing our prayer!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Revisiting SP

Now that my son's pic and my letter have been published again on Smart Parenting.  I can't help but to reminisce on the first time our picture was posted on the magazine.  It was on the April 2011 issue.  The first time is always the best, that is why I'll always treasure this one.  I don't look good on the pic though... Oh well...

My SP Baby!

I am a regular subscriber of Smart Parenting Magazine.  It is really like a Bible for parents.  I have been buying it for four years now.  I am also a Hero Member of the SP Forum on  As a first time mom, all I want is the best for my kid.  The only way to achieve this is by knowing and understanding all that there is to parenting. 
Incidentally, my son's picture is featured on the July 2011 issue of the said magazine.  It is on page 8 with a full size picture to boot! I am one proud and happy momma!  I have my own share of sidelight, too.  My letter to the First Words section of the mag was also featured.  I hope you bring home a copy! Cheers!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Rev Up Your Engines!

Today is indeed a happy day! I just got Raven's race car driver costume from the U.S.  It was sent to us by her generous Ninang Diane.  I was so happy when I saw the costume.  The flashing red lights on the chest area adds a wonderful effect to the outfit.  It fits my son well and with some inches to spare.  We all know how fast kids grow.  He will wear this costume on his 4th birthday party on January 7, 2012.  I am quite sure that the costume will fit him perfectly by that time.  At $44 it was sooo worth it! I can almost hear the engines roar! Here's a sneak peek! Enjoy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

4th birthday party - the theme

I initially wanted a Mickey Mouse party for Raven's 4th birthday.  I already created an inspiration album for throwing the best Mickey Mouse party.  However, Raven insisted on having a Cars themed birthday.  Just in time since Disney is releasing the 2nd Cars movie this year! For sure, Cars items will be flooding the malls and Divilandia! Sooo excited!

Party Addict

I am a self-confessed party addict.  I throw parties for my kid every year.  Don't get me wrong, I am not the one who spends hundreds of thousands for a party.  I do with what I have.  Overall, I just want to celebrate adding another year to my son's life, be with friends and family, enjoy good food and have fun! Let me just share glimpses of his past three parties.
1st Birthday January 2009
Theme:  Spongebob Squarepants/Hawaiian
Venue:  Jollibee Noveleta, Cavite

2nd Birthday january 26, 2010

Theme:  Sesame Street
Venue:  Coastal Bay City Clubhouse

3rd Birthday January 30, 2011
Theme:  Barney and Friends
Venue:  McDonald's Cavite City

That's all for now.  My next post will be about the preps for the 4th Birthday Party, and yes, it is still six months away.  Well, you can't sue me for being an excited mom!